Mes del Patrimonio Inmigrante 2020

Immigrant Heritage Month 2020

Immigrant Heritage Month 2020

Immigrant Heritage Month is an annual celebration that reminds us that where our families originated shapes our individual identity as much as it contributes to our collective American heritage. In honor of this, Latinx Voces en Salud organized and led a series of online conversations with latino immigrants and advocates to uplift their stories and to highlight the importance our heritage has on our health.

#MyHeritageMiVoz #NuestraVoz #NuestraSalud

My heritage, mi voz: A celebration of immigrant heritage & identity


We hope that by elevating the voices of latino immigrants, others will not be afraid to share their story and become their own advocates.


Latinx Voces en Salud hosted a series of five interviews via Instagram live with latinos from diverse backgrounds, talents, and immigrant stories to raise awareness about latino health. Hearing individual immigrant stories engendered a larger conversation about immigration policies and latino health, which culminated into an inspiring and informational webinar with two Latino public health and health policy professionals.